Namaste, beloveds, Happy New Year!!
With mercury retrograde ushering in the New Year of 2023, it has been a moment, to reflect and release any last energies lingering before we move forward.
Moving past the powerful energy of the first full moon of January 6th,
we are entering the New Moon on January 21.
This is the perfect time, perfect window for setting intentions.
It is also the Chinese Lunar New Year which welcomes in the spiritual, abundant Water Rabbit !!!
The energy of this Crystalline New Moon, moving into Aquarius, is a powerful theme,
an opportunity for a collaboration and co-creation.
This is an opportunity to unite a dance between the head, and the heart, the Moon and the rational mind of Aquarius.
Aquarius points the way to thinking on a global scale, collectively, focus on healing for the planet, unity, and holding a vision of the
New Earth.
It is making decisions, not just from the head, but aligned through the heart as well.
Aquarius is all about the highest good for all Beings, everyone and everything.
This year, is a seven in Ascended Numerology,
It is the focus on vision, the third eye, your vision for your life.
It is about personal Mastery, to remember Who You Are… and Claim it!!
Focus, vision, centeredness, health, staying grounded,
taking care of your body, reaching for the stars and receiving the plasmic information codes
that are streaming in through tremendous light at this moment!
A New Moon it’s like a blank canvas.
As we begin the new year, this is the time to really take
all that you have learned and focus it towards what you want to expand in this year.
I am always surprised, and delighted to discover new and old friends,
who say they are reading my newsletter. Thank You !!!
Last year was a tremendous up-level for me, as with many of you,
much inner work had to be done in order to move forward into this new year emerging of 2023.
For me, there has been a sorting through of many aspects,
many pieces have come together to create something new.
It is an exciting time as we go through a Re-Set and move forward with what is emerging.
I look forward to connecting more with you out there,
YOU, who are connecting and dancing in the realms with me, as we traverse the moons and cycles that come forward
month by month.
I have started a YouTube channel - - please like and subscribe, there is so much to explore and I would love to share it with you!
Also, my intention is to also create a retreat where we can dance commune, eat, pray, meditate together in community around a beautiful, crystal grid, honoring our sacred Beingness,
and radiating our love out, in joy, balance and creativity to the planet…
I am finishing up last details and launching the Cosmic Wisdom-Sacred Earth class in late March.
This will be an experiential online class where together, we move through the portals of Sacred Earth, and, lift into the cosmic portals or Cosmic Chakras.
It is time. To come together, learn, remember, and hold a vision of something new.
We are all a part of this, and have been going through our own personal cleansing for the planetary good, and the evolution of all!
This class will be a support portal. We will move through the understanding of how we balance our energy on the Earth, through the Shamanic vision and practices that I’ve been so blessed by.
I have been given many ceremonies and teachings over the last 30+ years, and have earned the rites to share.
We will also open to and be activated by the transmissions from the Star Portals radiating through the images and visions I have been gifted with.
The Cosmic Wisdom-Sacred Earth cards will be used during this class to deepen your understanding of them.
The purpose of this opening and attunement is personal it is for the remembering of
Who We Are!
We each have a unique perception of this moment, of where we came from, and all of the many gifts, as we have traveled through the Cosmos to be here now, to collectively create something new.
Let us come together and create !!
My hope and dream is that we come together as equals to share this vision, whether we are brand new to this or well seasoned.
Contributing, trusting, loving that there is support, that we are coming together for a reason because we are called, because we are spiritual family, cosmic family, and that there is more going on than we could ever know.
Deep transformation is underway, and it is my dream that we come together to hold the energy for each other during this moment.
With much love and gratitude for all who step in to the circle, may we dream together, and one day, soon come together for three days in ceremony, physically, to create the best community gathering that we’ve ever attended!
For our retreat gathering as we create, If you are interested in helping us, being a Sponsor and donating, time, money or skills, we would greatly appreciate your help.
Stay Tuned!!
Much love and gratitude
Munay Yachay Yuyay Hunuii Pachamama
( love, light wisdom, united on the earth)
Peace, Mari
Stay tuned for Spring Equinox, mid- March....we will be meeting again in Laguna, CA for a ceremony and there will be spaces for private sessions as well.
Happy New Year!! Happy New Moon!!