Sound healing is an ancient and effective technology which is the way of the future. Various methods used include vocal toning and chanting instruments such as rattles, drums, Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, tuning forks, and sonic acoustic recordings. These sound modalities are specifically chosen to balance your body.
Sound healing is an ancient and effective technology which is the way of the future. Various methods used include vocal toning and chanting instruments such as rattles, drums, Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, tuning forks, and sonic acoustic recordings. These sound modalities are specifically chosen to balance your body.
Welcome to the Dream Chamber
Welcome to the Dream Chamber
Welcome to the Dream Chamber
Reiki is used to address mental and emotional distress, rebalancing the body after or during chronic or acute illness. During your Reiki session, Mari will connect with and read what your body is communicating in terms of pain and imbalances. You will experience deep relaxation, release of tension, energy balancing, and a general sense of lightness and well being.
Some people experience long forgotten memories and are able to move through blockages and regain their personal power. Reiki sessions last approximately 90 minutes. Each session goes deep and provides lasting benefits. Mari recommends that you commit to a series of three sessions in order to achieve maximum benefit.