March Crystalline New Moon moving into Full Moon Spring Equinox - Friday, March 18, 2022
Blue Heron Portal Studio
3337 Laguna Canyon Rd A, Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Namaste everyone, can you feel this most powerful time building up to the Spring Equinox?
I am thrilled to announce an event you won't want to miss!
Finally, we will be having an in-person gathering / ceremony / workshop opportunity in Laguna Beach, California for the Spring Equinox.
Cosmic Wisdom - Sacred Earth- Spring Equinox
There will be a Crystal Grid set up specifically to anchor in the highest frequencies that will stay activated for both days.
We begin on Friday March 18th, 7-9 PM PST, arrival time is 6:30-6:45 PM to settle in.
You will be activated with this powerful Crystalline Frequency to upgrade your field and stabilize in this energy.
Together we will anchor this grid of light to hold the highest Vision for ourselves and the planet.
On Saturday March 19th the workshop begins, 10am -5pm with a lunch break.
We will go deeper into an experience of exploring
Cosmic Wisdom-Sacred Earth .
This is a workshop using the Cosmic Wisdom Sacred Earth Quantum Healing Cards - that I created and that just arrived!
I created this deck as a visual tool to assist with transmission of frequencies that are opening up for us now.
This will be an experiential, in-depth flow into our multidimensional Self.
Starting from the Crystalline Earth Shamanic pathway and spiraling up through Cosmic portals,
we will fully align with our Highest Potential, our pure Cosmic Connection.
Using the cards as guides , we will explore what it means to be a
Cosmic Being while having an Earth experience.
The workshop begins on Saturday March 19th at 10am - 5pm, arrival time 9:30-9:45 to settle in... with a lunch break around 12:30/1:00
You can bring your own lunch, or for $15, a delicious, clean, organic meal of soup, salad, snacks, nuts, cheese , fruit etc...will be provided.
The Friday ceremony is 2hrs. $40 , the Saturday workshop is 6hrs. $150 both...its $175....
We have limited space and so there will be a link to sign up in advance.
You can go to my website (click on Events) to learn more.
What a time to birth, anchor and uplevel in this frequency that is bathing the earth.
The Cosmic Wisdom Sacred Earth cards will be available for purchase @ $39.95...
that is a $10 dollar discount if you attend the workshop
(normally $49.95)
Save your space today and join us for a powerful Crystalline Transmission,
we will connect into the greater grids that connect around the Earth
to stabilize and hold the frequency of upliftment,
and honor the connection we have with our beautiful Ascending Earth.
I look forward to seeing you and holding ceremony and connection.
Much Love,
Remember to tune in Friday, March 11th for my next radio show on