Return of Balance and Solstice Greetings
Namaste Earth Walkers and Star Travelers!!
Greetings everyone, I am back!!
I am sending out this newsletter to reconnect
and let you know that I Am
re-emerging from a deep dive personally.
It has been a death and rebirth experience.
A Rebranding of sorts, nothing is the same.
The last nine months have been a deep release
of all attachments and old ways of being.
It has been grueling and exhilarating
at the same time,
freeing up much in order to create a New Path.
It has taken great Trust in Divine Timing,
trust that All is Well,
no matter how it appears in the outer world.
I have been following the cues so to speak,
and What A Journey!!
As I regain Inner Balance,
I realize the profound upgrade into
a new level of Remembrance and Innocence,
of Creativity and Sovereignty ….
A coming back to Oneself
Remembering the Divinity Within.
It has been a deep Inter-Dimensional journey
that has opened up New Realms
and Connections to my own Star Origins
and Cosmic Presence
Everyone is doing this aware or not!!
Clearing out old trauma, collectively and personally.
Whatever is in your face at this time
is what is needing direct attention and healing.
It is assisting the Planetary Ascension!
Summer Solstice is a powerful time…
And we have been preparing.
2024 has already been packed
with Cosmic Celestial Events,
Powerful Eclipses and Earth movements...
Opening the way for
New Frequencies to come in.
Cosmic Codes and Solar Flares
are bathing the Earth
Recently we had worldwide
Aurora Borealis events that were not
the usual skyline at night.
This was a visual affirmation of what is happening.
Through Light, Frequency and Color
We actually got to experience
what is really happening around our Planet.
many reported a magical experience
as they Witnessed the Beauty!!
This is bringing in Cosmic Support
and Frequencies that assist
this Evolutionary moment.
The opportunity to move onto
a New Timeline of Earth.
The moment is at hand to Clear and Rebalance
the distortions that took place,
creating great Negativity and Separation.
Those of you who have memory of Atlantis and Lemuria,
and the destruction of these Ancient Civilizations,
who carry the guilt, anger, fear, sadness.
What is emerging is an Opportunity
for great Healing and Cleansing,
and a return to the Pristine Balance
of the Original Blueprint of the Divine Masculine
and Divine Feminine Templates
This coincides with the Ancient Prophecies
of the Return of the Condor - Eagle
The new Template of Mind and Heart
As we approach the Summer Solstice,
It is a time of gratitude, abundance and celebration.
In the Indigenous cultures who Remember,
Solstice is celebrated with family and community…
focused on Gratitude and Reverence
for a Nature and everything around us.
This is a fascinating moment,
an opportunity to Receive the Cosmic Codes
bathing us and Focus the Energy
on New Creation, Vision, Future Creating
Tapping into the Heart, Mind, Connection,
balancing the Masculine - Feminine
and the Rise into the Return of Paradise on Earth
Returning to a sense of Innocence and Purity,
stepping into Sovereignty
Remembering Yourself as a Cosmic Being
is the Greater Journey!!
I have made many plans this year
and been redirected over and over,
which is why I have been off-line…
Diving deep into the Interdimensional Realms
to Recalibrate so to speak
and find the new level of Centerpoint
in my own Evolution as a Cosmic Being
experiencing this beautiful physical planet,
Mother Gaia, Pachamama, Terra
I am Traveling to Mt Shasta for Solstice
and look forward to sharing about
what discoveries and Cosmic Connections
come forward.
Very Exciting!!!
I am also going to be on Martha's Vinyard
for the August 8-8 Lionsgate,
I will have a calendar of times available,
open for private sessions
and we are working on a place
to do a special ceremony on that date.
Stay tuned, things are moving forward!!
I look forward to connecting with you,
wherever in the World You Are.
Many Blessings and Peace, Abundance and Health
Happy Solstice to You!
~ Mari
